Category Archives: Uncategorized

Warning Signs for Ignition System Failure

ignition system

In order to ignite fuel and turn the motor over, gas-powered vehicles are reliant upon an effective ignition system. If the ignition process doesn’t go smoothly or isn’t functioning properly, your vehicle won’t be able to operate correctly and may fail its next emission test. The vast majority of modern ignition systems are comprised of

Keeping your Parked Car Cool

Summer is officially here, and while that means road trips, family vacations, and spending time outdoors, it also means hot cars and sticky seats. Your vehicle spends more time parked than running, which means it spends a lot of time in the hot summer sun. Before you get hit by a muggy wave of hot

Biggest Driving Distractions

driving distractions

Preventative maintenance is important for keeping your vehicle safely on the road, but just as important is safe driving practices! This includes avoiding driving distractions, which can seem minor but have major consequences… Every day, about 100 people die in car crashes, and 90% of all crashes are caused by driver error. Being less than

Warm Weather Car Maintenance Tips


The days are getting warmer here in Greensboro and high temperatures can lead to issues for your vehicle such as overworked air conditioning systems, ineffective batteries or steering wheels that feel like they’re on fire. As such, your vehicle’s maintenance should very much be on your radar at this time of year. While you can’t


new car

As the calendar turns from summer to fall, car dealerships tend to ramp up their advertising efforts to try and unload a given year’s model. Sometimes, these ad campaigns will make grandiose claims that may seem tempting to a car owner, always remember that the cost of a new car is ALWAYS HIGHER than maintaining

Gas Saving Tips

Nobody likes having to fill their gas tank up, but, if you drive a vehicle with an internal combustion engine, it’s an unavoidable occurrence. While there’s no avoiding having to feed your car with the fuel it needs to operate, there are a few things you can do to get the most out of your

Five Ways to Avoid Car Theft

While not as traumatic as a write-off crash or dramatic breakdown, the experience of having your vehicle, or its contents, stolen is nonetheless one of the worst ordeals a car owner can endure. Should your vehicle be recovered after it’s stolen, there are still myriad headaches to endure as you get repairs taken care of,

Computer On Board!

Cell phones, refrigerators, washing machines…virtually everything that we plug into an outlet these days comes equipped with its own computer. Why would our cars be any different? All cars produced today come standard with at least one computer. Car computers aren’t the same as the personal computers and laptops we use to work and access

Easy Steps For Jump Starting A Car

One of the absolute most frustrating things is to jump into your car and learn that you have a dead battery, exactly when you need to get going and on the road. Luckily there just a few items that you need and a few steps to follow to get your car up and running again.

Summer Vehicle Maintenance Tips

Before you begin a road trip this summer in or around North Carolina, you’ll want to make sure your car is in the best possible shape before venturing out. What starts out as a minor car problem can quickly become a nightmare after driving hundreds of miles. Even if you are not super car savvy,